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Interior Decorating, Styling & Colour Workshops,  Courses & Masterclasses (in person)

 New workshops are regularly added so check back often to see what is available or to go on the waiting list!

                                  DECORATING & DESIGN DIRECTIONS MASTERCLASS 

      Wednesday 12.06. 2024 from 10am - 12.30pm -book now, bring a friend and enjoy creative fun!

      Interiors expert, Lady Serena Keenan offers her insights and forecasts on decorating & design directions for                                                                                    2024

 Learn about the growing trends in decorating and design aesthetics  to blend with timeless style to make your home feel current.

  The latest colour schemes and simple updates  will be covered plus we will discuss sustainability which is more important than ever considering our economic climate. Find out how to make design choices that will endure and be ecologically friendly.

  Lastly, you will create a mood board to find out where you are at with you current personal style for your home.     

                        What to bring: Twelve pictures (hard copies) from interiors magazines that you love

                                             Delicious Morning tea is included- places are limited

                             COST : $120.00 phone 5448 1887 or email  serenas1@bigpond.com to book

                                                             Waiting list available for next one

                                            Email now to go on the waiting list to serenas1@bigpond.com


      Colour Fundamentals & Colour Confidence 

3 hours $175.00 (includes a delicious morning tea)

   Tuesday 16.04.24         9.30am -12.30pm

Learn how to understand the foundations of how colour works for interiors in an interactive and practical way. On completion, you will have the knowledge and gain the confidence to work with colour. We use colour theory and application in practical exercises throughout the workshop. A workbook is included with templates to explore and practise colour application. Discover the difference between Monochromatic, Achromatic, Analogous etc. in a fun-filled environment. Waitlist for next one available.

Interior Decorating, Styling,  & Colour   5 week Course  

 Have you wondered how interior stylists and colour consultants have the unique ability to create a room successfully with ease? Would you like to be able to arrange vignettes and interiors that look as though they are magazine worthy?                       

What we will cover: Learn how to style, explore the latest decorating themes, decorating tricks from the experts & creating a mood board around a theme & style, the art of styling & creating vignettes, finding your style. Effective furniture and accessories placement and planning. Learn how to understand the basic principles of colour, styling & decorating in a friendly class environment. Find your own decorating style personality and create your own mood board to reflect your unique style. Expand your knowledge, unlock your creativity, bring out your inner stylist.

Bookings are essential and places are limited.

The venue: Serena's Image Studio, Peregian Springs, Sunshine Coast, QLD

The Dates:     5 week Course  Starts 08.07 or 10.07 or 02.08

The times:      9.45am-1pm

Cut-off date:  one week prior to the start date or once  the class has filled.

The cost:      $1150.00- book early to ensure a place.

 Deposit: A non-refundable deposit of $350:00 is required to secure a place.

Balance: To be paid one week prior to start of  course or full payment  with enrolment.                                       

A payment plan is available as follows: Deposit $350.00 Balance payable @175.00 per   week x 5 weeks ( Total   payable $1225.00)

How to book: complete the enrolment form and email with preferred payment option (credit card via paypal or EFT)

What to bring: magazine or printed pictures of your favourite style that inspires you for your living room, pen, glue stick & craft glue, scissors to use during the course. What is provided refreshments, designer fabric samples for project use, colour wheel, journal folder, subject course handouts.

Who should attend:  styling and decorating enthusiasts plus anyone interested in finding out more about interior design, styling, colour & decorating.

Seek out the individual in you and express your personality with the assistance of a design professional that cares about your needs and success. Find out how to focus your ideas and turn them into a reality.


Colour Psychology 1.00pm-4.00pm

3 hours $175.00 (includes a delicious morning tea) 

Gain valuable insight  into how colour may impact human, emotional, behavioural and judgemental responses. Learn the best colour to use in a learning environment, sleeping areas, restaurants, marketing etc. A workbook is included.


Services include:

  • Interior/exterior colour consultations
  • Room layouts reflecting your lifestyle
  • Design decisions & setting the mood
  • Period &style advice & co-ordination
  • Upholstery & window treatments
  • Pre-sale property staging & styling
  • Residential/commercial interiors/exteriors
  • From innovative design concepts to exclusive, elegant, traditional interiors
  • Artwork & accessory choices
  • Stage design
  • From advice to total project management
  • No
    job is too big or to small 



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